" You are built not to shrink down to less but to blossom into more..."
Oprah Winfrey


Jana B said...

Nice quote Mousie. Love your "photos" on here as well!! :o)

Anonymous said...

May you continue blossoming

Anonymous said...

Hi Mousie

What a nice, kind, gentle, thoughtful message you left on my blog. Thank you so much. You know, I put a lot of energy into my posts. It's so nice when someone receives that energy.

This is a wonderful image. I love the way you did the moon and stars.

Analía said...

Oh Mousie! I've travel through all your blogs and I'm amazed how good they are. I think I'll have to look carefully around me, who knows if one of those wonderful beings are playing in my garden or among my books too.
About the quote, I loved it and I needed to read something like this today. Take care and visit me someday :)

Rachelle said...

Oh, I love this quote!
I am going to share it with my mother, who is quite literally shrinking as she ages. She will be 76 this month.
Love you Mousie!

Robyne said...

I love that quote Mousie..

Hope you are well and sparkling

Anonymous said...

hi my name is cortobeille why you use my name ? I don't like someboby use my name in internet . I live in la plagne an i would stay anonyme