I've been ill...but as it was cold outside, I was well and warm in my bed.
But I missed you so much...


RUTH said...

Poor Mousie. Glad you are keeping warm and snuggly. Get well soon.

Ruth and Mick xx

Leslie Shelor said...

Hope you're feeling much better now!

Marguerite said...

Moi pareil, j'ai changé mes couvertures, on a du mal à se faire à l'hiver qui s'annonce.

Tiens, j'éternue là !
Allez, profite et fais toi chouchouter par cortobeille

Ma fille passe à la maison vendredi soir, dis donc !
Elle a une copine (Nolwenn Le G)qui attend un bébé, elle fait une fête à l'anglosaxonne pour fêter la fin de sa vie sans enfant
Tu connais ça toi ?

Analía said...

Mousie, thank you for dropping by my blog. Yes!! that is my baby.
You have here very very nice blogs. see ya

Icarus said...

One look at your sick-bed scene & I think: "Don't be in too much of a hurry to get better, it must be nicer in there than outside!" Or, even if you are better (as I hope you are), then keep it to yourself for a while longer. Anyone to bring you a nice cuppa? I'd volunteer, but I'm only just out of my own sick-bed today....in a BIG hurry!

B.T.Bear (esq.) said...

Oh mousie. I'm sending yu speshol bear hugs. Grayum is sending lots ov them. Mummy wassent too well this week either....

Bob T Bear

Rachelle said...

Dearest Mousie,
I certainly hope you are feeling much better now, did you drink lots of hot tea and take a steaming bubble bath?

What books are you reading there in your bed?
Take care love,

Anonymous said...

Hello Mousie, I see you changed the look of your blogs, it's very nice and very clear too now ! I love the little mice pictures, I should show them to my cats !
Next week we are going to Egypt for 2 weeks to be in the sunshine, fat up of this awful weather. Our son is in Laos over Christmas and in Vietnam over New Year ! What an idea ! so we are celebrating in Egypt. We are leaving next thursday.

Anonymous said...

Love all the pixx on this page. On the radio yesterday, a feature on American Quilts (reminded me of film of same title). These African-American women, when their husbands died, made quilts out of all their old clothes (what a good idea!) Some of these women make quilts of such quality they sell all over the world...
A bientot,